Wednesday 5 December 2012

Christmas tree

On the first we put up our christmas tree. 
It was Lawrence's turn this year to put the star on the tree.

The tree without decorations

The tree with decorations.


Here are some photos of some of the work that we do for science.
Lately we have been learning about crystals.

For this experiment we made model of a geode.
We made molds out of grape fruit skin and plaster of paris.
Then we made a saturated solution by dissolving alum salt in water and adding food colouring.
We than poured the solution into the mould.
Then we waited for it to evaporate and form crystals.

Here is the result of the experiment.

Here is a real geode

Here we are looking through a microscope at bacteria that we grew in a petri dish.

We have also been looking at food science.
In these photos we were testing for starch in different foods by using iodine drops which is normally a dark orange colour. If there is starch in the food it turns black.

The other test was testing for fats by rubbing the food on brown paper.
If the food leaves a mark it contains fat.

Digging for fossils...

Testing different soils for erosion...

We have had a busy term and we are looking forward to the holidays in 12 days time.


Today is the first day of winter to have snow! 

I woke up hearing Lawrence shouting "SNOW!"

When I went to my window I saw huge snowflakes!

I looked at the weather report and it said that it would warm up during the day.

So we went for a walk to make the most of it. Here are some photos:

First Snowman of the winter.

When we got home most of the snow had melted but there is more to come this winter.