Thursday 9 May 2013

Chelsea vs Tottenham

Last night I went to watch Chelsea play Tottenham. It was a very big match because if we won we would qualify to get into the Champions League, but if we lost we would have the same number of points as Tottenham with two games left in the Premier League. 

We started well and Oscar scored a header from close range after ten minuets. We had a lot of chances to get a 2nd goal but they were all wasted. Tottenham then scored a very good goal from outside the box. We then scored again five minuets before half time when Ramires was set up by Torres to go one on one with the Tottenham goalkeeper. Tottenham then scored a goal that shouldn't have counted because they were offside but it counted anyway. The match finished 2-2.

This means the we are two points ahead of Arsenal and three points ahead of  Tottenham with two games left in the season

After the match we were walking to the station and I saw a light shooting across the sky.At first I thought it was an aeroplane but it was going way to fast for that.  I didn't know what it was but then the next morning I was looking on the news and the headline was "DID YOU SEE A METEOR LAST NIGHT?" 
This is the article: