Friday 30 November 2012

Busy Weekend

Last Sunday I did a bicycle race with Dad.
It was nice because we had to go as far as we could in an hour.
I did one lap (12 km) in one hour and when I finished Dad carried on for another four hours.

These are the highlights of a lap.
It was very cold at the race but I warmed up when we started. It had rained all weekend so it was very muddy. Luckily it was sunny so that was nice.
After I rode for one lap Dad carried on for another three laps. When he was riding I got changed and got a hotdog.
When Dad finished his part of the race we drove straight to Wimbildon Station to go to Chelsea - Man City the game ended 0-0.  The Chelsea fans boo'd our new manager at the begening of the match and sang our old managers name!
It had rained so much during the weekend that the rails were damaged. We just got home before they closed the station.
The day before I had gone to my soccer practice in the morning and squash in the evening.
I am going to do another bike race in a month.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Malcolm, I have sent the link to your blog to your cousins after taking note of how much Ethan enjoyed this video clip of your bike ride. Lovely to share in what you are doing.
