Monday 28 January 2013

Bronze Arts Award: Fulham Palace And Kingston Palace

This term we are doing an art course so we can get a certificate in arts from the UK Arts Council. We are doing the course through the Orleans Gallery in Twickenham.

We have gone on quite a few outings to museums and galleries. We then do art at the gallery based on what inspired us on the outing.

The course is being run by two artists. The one works at the gallery and the other is a professional artist.

One visit was to Fulham Palace in London. This palace was historically the home of the Bishops of London. It is now a museum and the bishop lives in an apartment in London.

This is the floor of the chapel. I like the pattern it makes.

Cameron showing us the  frozen fountain.

More floor patterns.

This is a jar that I designed. We hung all our jars in an apple tree in the orchard. You can see Amy (one of the artists in the background)

Here are all the other people we are doing the course with. They are also all home educated.

The Chapel window.

Me eating biltong in the snow (it gives much needed energy). We can buy biltong from the South African shop in Wimbledon.

This is the tree which we hung our jars on.

A chair carved from a tree.

Another outing was to the Kingston Museum.

This is a skeleton of a young boy killed in combat. It was found during an archaeological dig in Kingston.

This is a jar that belonged to Queen Victoria. It is a mosaic made from small tiles.

A roman artifact. 

These paintings were in an exhibition of aeroplanes.

Cameron and I are looking at a photo album of a famous Kingston photographer. It is a very rare album and only 9 are known to exist. Kingston museum has two of them.

We had to handle it very carefully with special gloves.

This is an example of some of his photos from the album. He was interested in taking photos of movement. This was before motion cameras were invented.

A workshop at the Orleans Gallery in Twickenham.

We are learning how to print our own designs onto ceramics.

Cameron working on his design to print on a ceramic plate.

1 comment:

  1. You are clearly enjoying this course. What an interesting experience for you all.
