Friday 8 February 2013

Mullard Space Centre

Last Friday we went to the Mullard Space Lab near Dorking.
The Lab is part of the University of London but is based in an old house in the countryside.
The lab runs different space exploration projects and builds robots and rockets to send to space.
We spent the whole day there learning about planets, the stars, Solar systems and space exploration.
We also launched a rocket in the garden of the house and we did experiments in the lab. 

Walking towards the lab.

Building the Rocket

Getting ready to launch the rocket.

Our Home-Ed group

We built planet landers to land eggs from the 2nd story of the building.
The challenge was that we had to build a container out of scraps that had to protect the egg and prevent it from breaking when dropped. The whole container had to weigh around 20g excluding the egg.
Our team managed to get the weight down to 15g.

Me and Cameron's team won becuase our container was the lightest and our egg survived the fall.

This is our lecturer holding up our egg after it was dropped.

1 comment:

  1. What a very interesting learning experience for you all. Malcolm, you have presented this very well. I am curious to know how you managed to persuade the egg not to break!!!!
