Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bronze Arts Award Certificate

     We finally have got our certificates for the Arts Awards. We had the ceremony and party at the Orleans Gallery.

Here are some pages from my portfolio book: 

Here is a group photo of us at the awards ceremony.

New Bedroom

Because I am now doing the new course with Oxford which is different to Cameron and Lawrence I decided to get a desk in my bedroom so I can work by myself. I reorganised my bedroom so that the desk could be in a convenient place. I bought the desk from the Charity furniture shop in Leatherhead.

I am very happy and I can't wait to start school in September.

Electronics workshop

We did a course on Arduino circuit boards. You build a simple circuit on an electronic breadboard which you then plug into the computer. You then program the circuit to do different things like flash lights or make a tune with a buzzer or operate a simple robot.

It was difficult at first but once you have worked out the basics it's fun.

This is the link to the Arduino website: http://arduino.cc/en/

This is a more complicated project that I found on You Tube.

New School Course

I decided to prepare for my IGCSE with Oxford Open Learning Course. The course is 2 years long and then I will write my exams in June 2015. The subjects I am doing are Maths, English Language, Literature, Physics and Chemistry.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Archaeological Dig

Once a year our history club organises for us us go help with an archeological dig in Ewell.
Here are some photos

We started off by digging 

These are some pieces of Roman pottery that I dug up. 

Lawrence finds his first Roman pottery sherds.

Lawrence then went to wash some of the Roman pottery that he had found earlier.  

Because the other archaeologists were looking for bigger stuff they dug with bigger tools and all of the stuff that they missed would go with the soil onto this big pile. So we decided to sieve through the soil.

These are the other Roman coins that they had found on the site.

and these are the other Bronze age tools that they had found
 Because the coin was quite a rare find they wanted to take our picture.

This is my Bronze age tool.

This is the Email we received a few weeks later.

Just a quick up date for those who came on the dig. We have had a looked at the items you found. The oldest was a Bronze
Age flint tool some 4000 years old. Most items found were Roman including many different types of pottery. They included Samian ware imported from France which was very expensive in its time. Also parts of drinking beakers imported from Germany. Wine storage jars from Spain, with others made more locally in Farnham. Much bone and a flue tile from a Roman central heating system.
A Roman coin was also found which was a copper coin of Constantine 11 dating between AD 317 and 340 and was made in Trier in Germany! Perhaps brought to Ewell by a Roman soldier. Constantine was one of three brothers who split the empire up between them and he ruled Britain, France, Germany and Spain.     
The director of the dig was very impressed by you all and hopes to be able to ask you back again next year.
Well done to everyone.
David l
David Brooks
Museum Assistant
Bourne Hall

Monday 22 July 2013


For the 2nd half of June we decided to have a break in Italy. 
Here are some photos of us on the beach.

We went on a boat ride with family to go fishing. 

This a town that we visited called BolgheriThe Castle of Bolgheri has been known of since the 8th century, and it used to belong to the family of the Counts della Gherardesca.

Small road, just right for Lawrence. 

Afternoon feast of local Italian food. 

This is the entrance to the village. No cars are allowed in the village. 

Local food shop. 

This is the road leading to the village entrance.
