Monday 22 July 2013


For the 2nd half of June we decided to have a break in Italy. 
Here are some photos of us on the beach.

We went on a boat ride with family to go fishing. 

This a town that we visited called BolgheriThe Castle of Bolgheri has been known of since the 8th century, and it used to belong to the family of the Counts della Gherardesca.

Small road, just right for Lawrence. 

Afternoon feast of local Italian food. 

This is the entrance to the village. No cars are allowed in the village. 

Local food shop. 

This is the road leading to the village entrance.



  1. Thank you Malcolm, you have really captured some lovely moments of your holiday, love Gran.

  2. These latest pictures are wonderful. I wonder what the story behind the 'donkey on the balcony' is - do you know?

  3. The sign on the building says "Donkey Lodge". I am not sure but maybe the building used to be stables. It's now a restaurant on the ground floor and apartments above.
